System introduction

The safety monitoring and comprehensive analysis system is a decision analysis system specially customized for coal mine safety disaster prevention and mitigation analysis by combining the experience and technology of disaster analysis and prevention at home and abroad, as well as the actual project results of coal mine disaster analysis for many years. The system can combine and configure the corresponding safety monitoring and evaluation system according to the coal seam occurrence conditions and disaster types of the mine. And automatically analyze the mine safety under the system.

Product Features
Safety monitoring system
Including double pre-control system, gas dynamic control, water disaster prevention and control analysis, fire early warning analysis, roof disaster monitoring and early warning, dust monitoring and early warning analysis, rock burst comprehensive early warning analysis, disaster comprehensive prevention and control and other modules, disaster analysis results through the double prevention system for effective control and management, and through emergency management and rescue plans, process dynamic planning, Minimize the impact of disasters on mine safety production.
Monitoring homepage
Monitoring homepage
Dynamic management of gas control
Dynamic management of gas control
Analysis of water disaster prevention and control
Analysis of water disaster prevention and control
Fire warning analysis
Fire warning analysis
Roof disaster monitoring and early warning
Roof disaster monitoring and early warning
Dust monitoring and early warning analysis
Dust monitoring and early warning analysis
Comprehensive early warning analysis of rock burst
Comprehensive early warning analysis of rock burst
Comprehensive prevention and control of disasters
Comprehensive prevention and control of disasters
Double-prevention and double-control system
Based on safety risk identification and hierarchical management and control, and by means of hidden danger investigation and management, risk control is placed in front of hidden dangers, risks are systematically identified and controlled from the source, and through hidden danger investigation, possible deficiencies, loopholes and risk control failures in the process of risk control are found out in time. Eliminate the hidden danger before the accident. Fully identify and investigate the safety risks and hidden dangers of posts and enterprises, evaluate and classify them with scientific methods, establish an information management system for safety risks and hidden dangers, focus on major risks and hidden dangers, and take engineering, technical and management measures to effectively control risks and hidden dangers. Construct a dual preventive working mechanism of safety risk classification management and control and hidden danger investigation and management, which combines point, line and surface organically and continuously improves, promote the scientific and intelligent accident prevention work, and effectively improve the ability and level of preventing and curbing major accidents.
Platform overview
Platform overview
Risk classification management and control
Risk classification management and control
Risk analysis
Risk analysis
Statistical analysis of hidden dangers
Statistical analysis of hidden dangers
Standardized management
Standardized management
Closed-loop management of hidden danger
Closed-loop management of hidden danger
Security big data analytics
Security big data analytics