Overall Solution for Open-pit Mine Intellectualization
The overall construction idea of Huaxia Tianxin intelligent overall solution is "three 1+N", namely, 1 set of standard and specification system, 1 set of information infrastructure, 1 set of intelligent integrated management and control platform, and N intelligent subsystems. 1 set of standard and specification system: The standard and specification system is the communication bridge between the physical world and the virtual world of the intelligent mine, which can effectively break the information "barrier" between subsystems, laying the foundation for realizing data sharing, system integration, information fusion and linkage application of coal mine intelligent construction. 1 set of information infrastructure: Overall construction of network transmission platform, cloud data center and dispatching command center, opening up data transmission and utilization channels. 1 set of intelligent integrated management and control platform: Intelligent integrated management and control is the "intelligent brain" of coal mine. Based on the intelligent mine operating system platform (RED-MOS), it realizes the comprehensive perception data of "man-machine-ring" and the data fusion, interaction and sharing of multi-departments, multi-specialties and multi-management levels, and realizes the holographic display, integrated concentrated control, dispatching command, linkage control, disaster prediction and decision-making of coal mines. Really realize the integration of "monitoring, control and management" of coal mines. N intelligent subsystems: Through the intelligent construction or upgrading of production and auxiliary systems, as well as the construction of personnel positioning, intelligent individual equipment, inspection robots, etc. Based on all kinds of sensors, cameras, individual equipment, patrol inspection instruments, intelligent terminals and other equipment, the "human, machine, environment" information of the coal mine can be fully perceived and executed, so as to truly achieve the purpose of reducing personnel, improving efficiency, reducing cost and increasing efficiency, and intrinsic safety.
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Standard and Specification System
The standard and specification system includes data standard, data specification, interface protocol, business process specification, linkage rules, etc. The data standard is mainly used to manage metadata, master data and data model. The data specification is mainly used to manage data quality control and data information security. The interface protocol is mainly used to manage the national or enterprise standards collected by the subsystem. The business process specification It mainly includes business process sorting, business process management, business process automation and business process optimization. The linkage rule is mainly to develop a standard alarm linkage process to achieve the linkage control of business and equipment.
Standard and Specification System
In order to meet the requirements of intelligent data transmission in open-pit mines, it is necessary to build a high-speed data transmission channel and mine network, mainly including underground 10 Gigabit industrial ring network, 4G/5G wireless network and equipped with corresponding network security construction. In order to meet the requirements of intelligent data storage in open-pit mines, it is necessary to build data rooms and data centers. It is necessary to build an intelligent dispatching command center and an intelligent conference room.
Intelligent Integrated Management and Control Platform
Intelligent Integrated Management and Control Platform is the brain of open-pit mine intellectualization. It can realize the comprehensive management and control of the whole mine. The platform mainly includes: technical platform, intelligent comprehensive integration platform, data management platform, production and auxiliary management, business guarantee, safety guarantee, emergency guarantee, equipment operation and maintenance guarantee, park guarantee, integrated portal, safety supervision production center, integrated centralized control center, decision-making command center, operation management center, intelligent mobile APP, intelligent decision-making. Strategy analysis.
Intelligent Integrated Management and Control Platform
N Intelligent Subsystems
The transformation of open-pit mine safety production system is the basis of realizing intellectualization. Intelligent subsystem mainly includes: intelligent transformation of perforation equipment, intelligent transformation of charging equipment, intelligent blasting management system, intelligent transformation of mining and loading equipment, unmanned driving system of open-pit mine card, dispatching system of open-pit mine card, unattended system of crushing station, centralized control system of belt conveyor, belt inspection robot, intelligent drainage system, video monitoring system, slope safety monitoring system, Personnel positioning system, environmental monitoring system, coal seam spontaneous combustion prevention monitoring and early warning system, and intelligent perception system for potential safety hazards.
N Intelligent Subsystems