System introduction

The data fusion platform covering the whole life cycle of data monitors and manages the whole process of data creation, transformation and extinction, realizes the unified management of data, and realizes the integrity, accuracy, consistency and timeliness of all kinds of data in the whole process of collection, conversion, storage and application for coal mining enterprises, improving the application value of data as a whole. It takes the data value as the core driving force of data management and service, optimizes the data architecture, promotes the construction of information management system, and improves the fine management ability. Improve the ability of scientific decision-making. Data quality management, data model management, data standard management, metadata management, data service management, data acquisition management, data analysis and visualization constitute the data architecture and data governance system in line with the characteristics of the enterprise.


Product Features
Data source management
Data source management
Metadata management
Metadata management
Data publishing service
Data publishing service
Visualization of data analysis
Visualization of data analysis
Early warning alarm service
Early warning alarm service