System introduction

Integrate the accessed automation and monitoring system data, classify, process, integrate and share the collected data, realize the standard integration and unification of multi-source heterogeneous data, break through the barrier between informatization and automation, realize the access of monitoring and automation data downward, and provide centralized control for coal mine safety production upward. Integrate the integrated automation platform and the integrated monitoring platform, change the original "information island" into the current "sharing platform", form a dynamic management and closed-loop monitoring mode, provide data support for big data fusion analysis, early warning and alarm services, and finally establish an effective management system to provide the basis for leadership decision-making.

Based on the "sharing platform" established by integrated automation and integrated monitoring, it can realize system early warning, system alarm dynamic monitoring, centralized management and control, and early warning linkage. According to the multi-dimensional and multi-index direction of production, safety, equipment and management, it can push alarm information at different levels, trigger platform integration linkage, and automatically associate with the surrounding personnel positioning cards and voice broadcasting, finally achieving the goal of coal mine safety production early warning and emergency linkage analysis.

Product Features
Integrated automation
Integrated automation
Ventilation system
Ventilation system
Compressed air system
Compressed air system
Intelligent working face
Intelligent working face
Safety monitoring
Safety monitoring
Personnel positioning
Personnel positioning
Early warning alarm
Early warning alarm