Committed to the Internet of Things Technology for Energy Industry as well as Product R&D and Application
China TX IIOT Technology Co., Ltd. was established in April 2017 and is a holding subsidiary of China TX IIOT Corporation Limited. and has two wholly-owned subsidiaries, China Tianxin IIOT(Dalian) Co.,Ltd. and HXTX Sensing Technology(Dalian) Co.,Ltd.It is a provider of of integrated solutions for smart mining industrial IoT.
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  • Solution For Internet Of Things Platform Of Coal Industry
  • Solution For Intelligent Coal Preparation Plants
  • Solution For Intelligent Mines
  • Overall Solution for Open-pit Mine Intellectualization
  • Solution for Group Digital Management
Case Sharing
Jinneng Holding Group Tongxin Coal Mine
Tongxin Coal Mine is one of the ten million-ton mines approved by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2006, and it is a state-owned key coal enterprise in Shanxi Province. Tongxin Mine has an area of 84.52 square kilometers, a designed recoverable reserve of 850 million tons, and a service life of 62.4 years. The Permo - Carboniferous coal seams are mined here.
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Lu’an Chemical Group Co., Ltd. Gahe Energy
Gaohe Energy is a Sino-foreign cooperative enterprise jointly funded by Lu’an Chemical Group Co., Ltd. and Thailand Wanpu Group, and controlled by Lu’an Chemical Group Chemical Group Co., Ltd. The mine was completed and put into operation in 2012, with an approved annual production capacity of 7.5 million tons.
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Huaihe Energy Group Co., Ltd. Guqiao Coal Mine
China TX IIOT Technology Co., Ltd. has successively undertaken the construction of Guqiao Coal Mine Safety Production Intelligent Management and Control Platform Project and Intelligent Ventilation Project. On January 13,2023, Guqiao Coal Mine successfully passed the acceptance of the first batch of national intelligent demonstration coal mines.
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China National Coal Group Corporation Yaoqiao Coal Mine
China TX IIOT Technology Co., Ltd. has successively undertaken the construction of the first phase, second phase and intelligent geological guarantee system of the intelligent demonstration mine project of Yaoqiao Coal Mine. On November 19,2022, the mine passed the acceptance of the first batch of intelligent demonstration coal mines in China with excellent results, and once again wrote a new chapter in the construction of intelligent demonstration mine.
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Kailuan Group Limited Lability Cooperation Qianjiaying Coal Mine
On February 18,2023, the mine passed the acceptance of the first batch of intelligent demonstration coal mines in China with excellent results, and reached the national standard of class II intermediate intelligent demonstration coal mines.
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